HSR Psychology maximise the wellbeing and potential of all children and young people by providing immediate access to broad range of educational psychology services.

About HSR

HSR Psychology helps children and young people to meet their needs at home, school and in the community by listening and valuing the views of the child, parent and education professionals through a holistic child centred approach.

HSR Psychology support all children and young people in reaching their potential by providing a flexible, consistent, broad and value for money educational psychology service to early years, schools, post 16 settings, parents and carers.

HSR Psychology work with all settings nurseries, schools, colleges, unis, health /educational sector, home and all individuals, parents, case managers, solicitors, education professionals, schools and carers.

HSR stands for happy, safe, ready.

Lead HSR Psychologist - Rachael King
We want to provide each child and young adult with the skills to fulfill their potential here at HSR Psychology. Lead HSR Psychologist, Sarah Ward


HSR Psychology vision is for all children and young people to reach their potential by having their needs met at home, school and in the community so they can be happy, safe, and ready to cope with life’s challenges.

of clients have recommended HSR.
School girl concentrating with psychologist.

Brand Values

Key Statistics


Educational Psychologists

Pupil with outlines of figures.

Ages treated

Dr Rachael King and young boy working together.

Local authorities covered.

HSR Psychologist looking at resources.

Educational psychology assistant

Dr. Alfrey holding cards.

Brand Facts

Student looking at white sheet.

HSR Psychology provide each child and young person with the skills they need to fulfil their potential.

HSR Psychology provide immediate access to broad range of child psychology services to early years, schools, post 16 education providers, parents and carers.

Young girl moving red boxes.
HSR Therapist Sarah Ward working with young boy.

HSR Psychology work in homes, schools and in the community.

HSR Psychology is flexible, consistent, and competitively priced.

Boy doing exercise.
Pupil finishing task.

HSR Psychology provide bespoke solutions to suit all budgets and requirements.

HSR Psychology - Happy, safe, ready.

Dr. Alfrey and young girl.